Troy Millette & the Fire Below

Poetry Lounge 313 North Ave.

What’s in a song? A dash of creativity, a few fresh rhymes, and a full serving of heart are the […]


yawp Carnival Poetica

Poetry Lounge 313 North Ave.

two words... Salena Catalina...   three more words... Over Responding Monster   4 more words... yawp #9 on sale


Caroline Strickland & Babe Lewis

Poetry Lounge 313 North Ave.

Caroline Strickland is a rock singer songwriter from Virginia, based in Brooklyn. They released debut EP "Watch" on February 17, […]


The “Remember To Salute” Tour with Go Hang Music & Soviet Shiksa

Poetry Lounge 313 North Ave.

Go Hang Music: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5xia1qpEJF9nVZ7Ut5n00n?si=LYraTM8eRnmadct2GV2UIQ https://www.instagram.com/gohangmusic Soviet Shiksa: www.sovietshiksa.com https://www.tiktok.com/@soviet_shiksa https://open.spotify.com/artist/0JDjrAO3mS4RFgnt5F7HiD?si=B8ULgBr7TOaEWWgUzDiQjA
